Despite the small town feel of Highland Creek, residents of the area can still take advantage of everything from shopping to restaurants to outdoor activities.
Every year, the community attracts people far and wide for its Highland Creek Heritage Day. This event includes a parade along Old Kingston Road, as well as a flea market, children’s rides, and a dance.
Highland Creek has been officially recognized as a neighborhood in Toronto since 1852. However, a lot has changed over the years.
Through the early 1950’s, the community was best known for its farming. As the decade wore on, the development of the present day neighborhood picked up.
There are many historical landmarks located throughout Highland Creek, including the W.J. Morrish General Store and Miller Lash/McLean Estate.
The majority of the homes located in Highland Creek were built from the 1920’s to the 1950’s. Many of the properties, those that were built in the earlier days, were originally used as summertime cottages.
At this time, some of the older homes in Highland Creek are being replaced by newer, custom properties.
Home prices in Highland Creek are reasonable, starting at $200,000 and ranging to approximately $600,000 on the high end.